People of Florida

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People of Florida

Recently I wrote an article on what I thought was the very best thing about Florida I have to say I had to think long and hard to come up with the weather as the number one thing it was a close run race but the second best thing has to be the people of Florida or Floridians as they are known.

Maybe it’s because I am from the UK where people tend be a little reserved and keep themselves to themselves , but I have to say that the people from Florida are truly some of the friendliest that I have ever come across.

From the moment that you step foot off the plane you are greeted by genuinely friendly folks with the standard greeting found throughout Florida and other parts of the United Sates of How are you all doing today, this is very closely followed by have a nice day!

If you’re visiting any of the tourist areas of Florida you will come across these phrases many many times per day and the scary thing is they actually mean it, indeed you will find many Floridians and indeed other people from other areas of the united states spark up a conversation with you for no reason other than to talk or converse with you.

At first this all seems rather alien to anyone from the UK as there needs to be a good reason for anyone to talk to you in the UK such as needing the time or directions but not so in Florida, you may be say outside a shop waiting for your wife or kids to come out and a guy or couple will take the seat at the side of you and start up a conversation asking how you’re doing today.

As soon as they hear your accent isn’t American they will ask you where you from and as soon as you reply great Britain a smile appears on their face and they begin some friendly banter with you asking if you’re on vacation etc. and if you’re enjoying your stay.

More than likely they will have a friend in the UK or may have visited and they will have lots to converse with you about the UK and they have a genuine interest in how your visit to Florida is going
They have to be some of the friendliest people in the world for sure and I always feel very welcome.

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