Universal Parks - Page 1

Bubba Gump’s at Universal Florida

Well we have eaten at many places in Orlando on our many holidays but have never eaten in the Citiwalk area of Universal Studios main due to the fact that it tends to get very busy in the evening with people out for the evening going to the bars and ...
Viewed 4953 times.

Visit San Francisco @ Universal Studios

When we visit Universal Studios we usually go to the San Francisco area either before of after our ride on Jaws or at lunchtime when we are ready for a sit down and something to eat. If you want to relax and eat here there is plenty o...
Viewed 4977 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 8

So now we have visited all of the Harry Potter World it' s time to move on but make sure you allowed yourself plenty of time to explore the whole of Harry Potter World thoroughly as there plenty to see and due to it being very popular you will have t...
Viewed 4692 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 7

Here is Part seven of my Islands of Adventure Articles and I am going to start with the Harry Potter and the forbidden Journey as this is without doubt the most popular ride in the whole of the Universal theme parks due to the popularity of the Harry...
Viewed 5086 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 6

In the last part of this series we explored the Jurassic Park area but the next area to explore is probably the most exciting of all for the younger boys and girls amongst us, the newest area to the islands of adventure The Wizarding World of Harry P...
Viewed 4722 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 5

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 5 In the last part we ended in the very wet area of Toon Lagoon a great place to visit when it’s really hot , get yourself wet and cool down and if you go on any of the ride...
Viewed 5034 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 4

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 4 In the last part we had just visited Ripsaw Falls and got wet, well if you fancy something a bit more sedate and dry then why not visit Popeye’s Me Ship The Olive this is ...
Viewed 5094 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 3

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 3 The Marvel Super Hero Island area of Islands of Adventure is amazing and we come to what has to be one of the best if not the best rides in the whole of the theme park, Th...
Viewed 4827 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 2

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 2 After you adrenaline fuelled ride on the incredible hulk roller coaster you enter “Marvel Super Hero Island”. Now both my two lads were big fans and the Marvel comics and ...
Viewed 4846 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 1

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Islands of Adventure 1 Previously I have written a number of articles all relating to how wonderful the Disney parks are ion Florida and I thought it was about time I wrote a more about the Univ...
Viewed 4685 times.

Brand new ride at Universal

There is some very exciting news at Universal Studios, the long anticipated new ride is about to open. This new attraction is called Transformers The Ride: 3. D. and it takes place in the dark. Somewhat similar to the new and improved...
Viewed 4967 times.

Diagon Alley at Harry Potter

We all knew that something big was about to happen to the Harry Potter park but what was it? We have been speculating for a year or so, ever since they announced the closure of Jaws. Had to have something to do with Potter, didn' t it? ...
Viewed 5092 times.

Jack Hanna at Busch Gardens.

You all know who Jack Hanna is, don' t you? He is a World expert on wildlife who has made award winning television programmes. You will probably remember Jack Hanna Into the Wild. Well, if you are a fan, you are in for a treat with 2 differe...
Viewed 5708 times.

Halloween… for teenagers and adults

The parks offer many options for Halloween. If you are looking for something a little ‘scary’ check out Halloween at Universal Studio’s Horror Nights. This is definitely for older children/teenagers and adults – not for the faint hearted. In fact loo...
Viewed 4792 times.

A special Ride - Rip Ride Rickit at Universal Studios

One of Universal’s newest and badest rides (Rip Ride Rockit) was completed in the summer of 2009. The ride and the famous first drop now stand well above the famous Universal Studios entrance as one of the main stand out sights when you first walk up...
Viewed 6062 times.

The Demise of ‘Jaws’ at Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida

The last time we visited Universal Studios in Orlando the classic attraction, ‘Jaws’ was still up and running. Of course, we made sure we had a final ride on this old timer, which, admittedly had got rather past its sell-by date. We joine...
Viewed 5238 times.

Review of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

Review of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey This ride is situated in Hogwart’s Castle, which is at the far end of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter within the Universal Islands of Adventure theme park. You enter through ...
Viewed 5911 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios Part 3

One show I always make plans to see on every visit to Universal Studios in Florida is the blues Brothers, it is based on the classic file from the early 80’s the blues brothers. I don’t know if it’s something to do with the fact that I had just left ...
Viewed 5078 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios Part 2

In part one we visited Despicable Me Minion Mayhem and for the brave Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket but what next? Well it just has to be Shrek 4D this is one show not to be missed especially if like me you’re a big fan of the original movie. There...
Viewed 5288 times.

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Part 1

What’s so great about Universal Studios? Previously I have written a number of articles all relating to how wonderful the Disney parks are in Florida and I thought it was about time I wrote a little about the Universal studios theme parks...
Viewed 5334 times.

20 articles found