Owners Vacation Diary - Page 1
A great way to spend a rainy afternoon in the sunshine state.
If like me you usually leave your packing to the last day, I found on a recent trip where we had a rainy afternoon my time would be best spent removing all those labels from t...
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By this time we had resigned ourselves to being inside the restaurant when the fireworks display began, but in the hope that we get seated early and have finished our meal, we arrived at the restaurant some 10 - 15 minutes before our scheduled time. ...
Viewed 4733 times.
Apart from the food on offer there was plenty of entertainment to be had.
We had missed the judging of the fancy dress competition whose theme was An All American Salute To The Cinema, but those contestants who had not opted to change in to...
Viewed 4702 times.
As we approached Celebration via the I4 and World Drive, the roads were unusually quiet. With the excision of one notice, advertising the free park and ride from Celebration Place, there was nothing to indicate that the town would be busy or parking ...
Viewed 4786 times.
This was the second time we had been in the US for Independence Day celebrations. On the previous occasion, having visited Boston just a few days earlier, visiting Independence Hall and taking in the history of the War of Independence, we expected gr...
Viewed 4342 times.
Well had a funny sleep overnight as it seemed to be cold, cold in Florida! We have been over in November and Feb but never in January, so this was a first. Jeff got up early and turned on the heating for a while. We had some breakfast and the day sta...
Viewed 4659 times.
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